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3rd Cycle Complete

Another cycle of chemo in the books! This one was definitely the most difficult for me. It hit me really hard in comparison to what I've come to expect from this treatment. On Monday morning I felt really well and recovered from the last treatment, like I usually do. By the middle of the week I felt like I was a zombie; just going through the motions. Same routine everyday; wake-up, go to Radnor, get my treatment, go home, eat, then sleep. The latest I fell asleep this week was like 7.

But I can't blame everything on the chemo. I got off to a bad start on Monday right when I walked into the office. They were surprised to see me there, and for some reason I wasn't on the schedule for the day. It wouldn't of been a problem if an oncologist didn't have to be there to receive chemo, but the oncologist was scheduled to leave at 11. So I was out of luck since my chemo runs until 2. I got my treatment at Penn in Philly, which I didn't like at all. I could write a whole post describing this day, but I don't want to depress you. Let's just say that it was a much different environment from what I'm used to at Radnor.

Other than Monday's disaster, the only other garbage with last week's treatment were the traffic being bad on a few days, and Friday being a long, busy day. The traffic was just bad luck. I had to get up early on Friday because of the scheduling problem I talked about earlier. I wasn't even listed on the schedule for the entire week until Monday morning, so they fit me in the oncologist's first slot for the day for an appointment. 8:45 ugh! At least I got to finish chemo early that day though. This allowed me to attend the benefit that was held for me for a little while.

The appointment with my oncologist went well. He's happy with how I'm responding to the treatment. I'm kind of beating the odds with this treatment. Usually people need a blood transfusion by now when they get this chemotherapy regimen, and he's really impressed with my blood test results. It doesn't sound like I was even close to needing a blood transfusion. I still have my eyebrows. Thank God! I mean they are thinning out along with all of the hair on my body, but they're still there. The only thing that concerned him was the neuropathy in my fingers, and my now weak fingernails. I just noticed the fingernails getting a little sore like a week ago, and they have weird looking ridges on them. It's hard to describe, but he just said to watch what I do with my hands because I may rip a nail out. Ouch! The neuropathy has been an ongoing thing and has gotten worse. Now all of my fingertips feel numb all the time. He's gonna keep an eye on it, and adjust the dose of the chemo if it keeps getting worse because it could end up being permanent if you're not careful.

Yes I look tired, but
I'm comfy and warm too
On Wednesday I received something really awesome. A Chemo Cozy jacket. What's makes this different from your average jacket, is that it has zippers on it for ports, and picc lines. There are so many benefits to this jacket; Not having to take off your shirt to get the tubes attached to the port, being warmer due to the cold tubes not touching your skin, and having the coolest looking jacket around. I love it. After wearing it to treatment once, you never want to wear anything else but a Chemo Cozy to receive treatment. Thank you to Greg, and Ellen Hamilton for inventing this awesome product, and the Wills family for purchasing me it.

I also would like to thank everyone that organized, donated, and participated in the benefit that was held at Birchwood nursing home. They did an awesome job. It was nonstop all day. My family is very grateful for this. The raffle baskets will be chanced off December 2, so if you missed it stop by and take a chance on some great baskets.

Thanks Brian, and Joey

Lastly, I would like to thank the Sapa company for organizing a 50/50 weekly raffle for my family to help with the expenses. It is greatly appreciated.

Lastly, you're probably wondering how I'm feeling today. To answer that...pretty well. I think I'm going to go play some pickup basketball later....just kidding, but maybe in 2-3 weeks I might. I'm really itching to get back to doing some physical activity and right now might be my only chance in the next 4-5 months that I'll have. Because after surgery, who knows how long it'll take before I can use the arm. Well I felt significantly better on Sunday, and even better today. My Saturday of sleep did me well. Right now I'm still just a little tired. I should be feeling well by Thursday when I get my scans. For the results, I'll be happy with 70% shrinkage, and the lungs better be clear. I want that surgery to be very easy and complication free.

One last thing to note before I go. Thanks to everyone that is participating in Novembeards. The donations are going to a great cause, and I'm very happy to see the success were having with it. If you haven't checked it out already here's a link. Novembeards


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