Since my last post I have felt better everyday like I thought. I'm still not 100% like I thought I would be by now, but I'm feeling much better than I did a few days ago. I'm not nauseous at all, but the mouth sores haven't changed. Things taste normal now. So i can drink my favorite liquid...water. I would say my energy right now is inconsistent at best. I'll have a few hours in the day where I feel great followed by hours of lethargy. I'm thinking this could be due to my red blood cell count being low which should be at there lowest right now(7-10 days after treatment). I hope they're not too low because I don't want to get a transfusion already. I feel like I have had more energy today since using the incentive spirometer which I got yesterday. I have been laying around too much and haven't been exercising my lungs. This tool helps get my lungs working optimally. Right after using it the first time yesterday I was coughing up crud which has been laying in my lungs for days. I also feel like I slept much better last night because my lungs are clear. My arm still feels soft from treatment. I definitely have to say that the A treatment does a better job at killing the tumor than B. My right arm is as soft as my left now. It's really amazing!
For as much as I have been laying around, I must say that I have done a lot during my little break so far. On Friday I went to the Greek Festival. I had a friend over on Saturday, and I was out for a few hours yesterday with my Grandmother. I was whipped after each of these events, but they were all so much fun.
Thank you to everyone for their prayers and support. I would also like to thank everyone that purchased the wristbands. The proceeds will go to sarcoma research where it will be used well. Keep wearing them!
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