In my last update I stated that I was going to write next about my expectations and plans for 2015. This is really hard to write about because I usually just look ahead to my next scan. I set goals for myself, and hope each scan is clean so I can keep on the same path. Looking ahead a full year is impossible.
If I look at the most important factor of this year for me and that is without a doubt the scans, and ignore everything else then the answer becomes simple. If it doesn't come back then this will be a great year, if it does won't be a good year.
Lets assume that I go for my scans in January(January 9th is my next scan by the way) and they're clean, as well as being all good in April, July, and November. Then the next most important question this year becomes my arm. Is the bone going to continue healing, or am I going to need another surgery? What's the process going to be like once the limitations to using my arm are lifted? Am I going to be in worse pain than I am in now? At least with my arm I have expectations with how this will be a year from now. If I'm still at the same weight limitations by the end of 2015 then I will be surprised. I don't think the pain is going to go away, but I do think it could get better. It would be awesome to be able to beat up on my brothers in the driveway playing basketball again, but that's like a best case scenario considering how painful it was for me to try shooting hoops last time. It's of course a possibility, but I'm going to need some considerable luck.
If we add to the previous assumption that my arm will at least be healed then a lot more doors begin to open. I expect to become a lot stronger throughout the coming year. I did surpass my goal of 155 pounds, and I expect to gain some more needed weight in the coming year. If I can just put 10 more pounds on I will be happy. The restrictions I have with my arm being lifted would allow me to build upon my upper body strength that is pretty much nonexistent right now. Granted it was pretty much zero before, but I have no definition in my arms and upper body now. 155 with some muscle would be a lot better than I am now; 155 with no muscle. 165 with some muscle would be even better. Like I said in my last blog post I have reached a point where I feel like exercising. I'm definitely ready to begin some light cardio, and maybe some leg strengthening exercises. In the past week I have been exercising my shoulder with the same strength exercises I did a while ago before my second surgery. It wasn't too bad, but I have room to improve. I'll set fitness goals as I continue improving throughout the year. Right now I will start lower body strength, and cardio. When my arm finally heals I'll be able to hit my upper body too, and also be able to play sports and physical activities I used to enjoy as pain allows me to.
Aside from all the cancer stuff, this fall I will be moving out to Penn State main campus which will be really exciting. I'm really looking forward to that. It's really great to be back on track right now. Just five more semesters of school left and I'll be graduated.
I expect 2015 will bring a year of healing and growth. I believe it has the potential of becoming the best year out of the last three years of my life(2013, 2014, 2015). I hope the coming year is great for you. If you are someone battling a life threatening illness like cancer, then I hope 2015 brings you healing as well as hope. Know that you're not in this alone, and you're always in my prayers.
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