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Treatment Update

I have finished cycle one of my current treatment. This regimen consists of two drugs, Doxil and Temsirolimus. Doxil is an enhanced version of Doxorubicin which I was on with my first line therapy. That was the "Red Devil" drug. Temsirolimus is a new drug for me and has been shown to sensitize treatment resistant cancer cells to chemotherapy. This drug combo was recommended by my oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic, and has demonstrated success in a phase II clinical trial for sarcomas. His belief is that the cancer that has been recurring for me have been cancer stem cells which have chemotherapy resistant properties. Infusions are every Friday with Temsirolimus administered weekly, and Doxil given monthly.

For this treatment I did not have a choice but to get a port because these drugs would cause much more damage to my body if I blew a vein in my arm than the last therapy. Yes, it really sucked having to go and get a port again. I got that thing removed less than a month after finishing chemo the first time around. Having to get a port reminded me once again that I am right back where I started.

This treatment has been really difficult so far. It seems like every chemo I get put on I end up with different side effects than the last which makes it a challenge to adapt. When I think of my first line treatment I remember the main thing I had to deal with was fatigue. My second line therapy was the nausea and vomiting. This treatment has been skin irritation.

Going into this treatment I knew that the two side effects to watch out for are mouth sores and hand-foot syndrome. Despite all of the measures I have taken to prevent these from occurring I have failed to do so. For the first week and a half of the treatment the only side effect I had was fatigue. Then I started developing sores in my mouth. I had three big ones about the size of a large pea, two right in front of my canines on the bottom, and one on the back roof of my mouth. Also the gums on the bottom of my mouth are inflamed and just really painful, painful just to touch. Brushing my teeth is so painful that I guess you could call what I'm doing now is tooth touching, just barely brushing. I have a picture, but I don't think it does it justice, and no one wants to see the inside of my mouth.

Next up is the hand-foot syndrome. Hand-Foot syndrome is a painful skin reaction that usually occurs on the feet and hands, but can occur anywhere as a result of chemotherapy. For me it has been my armpits, groin, and just recently my elbows. I started getting this at the end of week 2. My skin in those areas is chafed, red, blistered, and really sore. See the picture beside this. For the guys out there imagine that being in your groin area. I can't walk normally with it, as the pain is so bad. I also developed really bad acne on my face, worse than any breakout I have ever had.

I was prescribed Clindamycin for the acne, and within a week I was much more presentable which was great. I still have the mouth sores, and the rashes. The mouth sores improved towards the end of the first cycle, and for about a week into cycle two. Then they just blew up again, and are now worse than the first cycle. The rashes were basically healed, but then came back a few days after the mouth sores worsened. The side effects seem to be cyclical so far with weeks one, and four being healing weeks, and weeks two are three being the worst of the cycle. Unfortunately two weeks will never be enough time to heal these side effects for me.

So what have I been doing to deal with the side effects? A lot, too much to go into detail. I will list them below with short notes for each. In future posts I'll talk more about them as I figure out what works.
Mouth Sores
  •   Prevention
    • Chewing on Ice during chemo infusion - not sure if it has helped, but will continue
    • Healios - not preventing, but I believe limiting the severity.
  • Treatment
    • Salt water, and baking soda with water - keeps mouth clean
    • Biotene - I use this first thing in the morning because gums are tight
    • Magic Mouthwash - lifesaver, I use this four times a day. Numbs mouth and reduces swelling.
    • Aloe Vera juice - just started using, I believe it's helping. Using 2-4 times a day
    • Oxycodone - takes the edge off, but makes me sleepy. Mostly use at home, but have used at work when I absolutely need it. Use 2-3 times a day.
  • Adjustments
    • Baby toothbrush - a little bit softer than a soft adult toothbrush, and smaller so I have more control, and can avoid accidentally brushing a sore area.
    • Diet
      • Carnation High protein shakes every morning with yogurt. Let yogurt rest in mouth over sores before swallowing.
      • Soft foods, Examples: Meatloaf with mac and cheese, spinach, egg, and cheese casserole. Lots and lots of eggs, and milk. Ice cream. Watermelon.

Hand-Foot Syndrome
  • Prevention
    • Icing the "hot spots" during infusion and 48 hours afterwards, every 3-4 hours while awake will ice groin, armpits, hands, and feet with all of the icepacks I bought - maybe its working, since I haven't had it on my hands and feet so far, but has not prevented other areas.
  • Treatment
    • Bag Balm - I put this on the afflicted areas to protect against chafing. Still some pain, but reduces it.
    • Vaseline - similar to Bag Balm, but not as good.
    • Aveeno body wash - did not like it, did not help with moisturizing skin at all, reverted back to suave mens body wash
    • Baby powder - helped with chafing, but dried skin out making it worse.
    • Urea ointment - use this at night to help clear up the dead skin. I got 40%, but I just purchased Udderly Smooth cream since I think 40% was too much. edit -- do not use on open lesions.
Well that was a lot of details. Hopefully the list above helps you out if you are on these drugs. Also, if you have any suggestions for how to handle these side effects let me know in the comments. I still have more to discuss, but I'll leave it at that.

So to sum up this post, this chemo has sucked so far. Here's to hoping things get better, and as always please keep me and all others battling life threatening illnesses in your prayers. 


  1. Mike,

    Keep fighting the good fight! In the words of the incredible Jimmy V, "don't give up, don't ever give up..." I watch his speech every year on ESPN and again a few times in between. I am sure you have seen it, and if not it is absolutely worth the small amount of time it takes to view.

    Thank you for the updates. My wife Lisa has been following for some time and after hearing your story, I have subscribed and look forward to hearing more about your battle. Your writing is incredible.

    Are you looking forward to PSU football season? Especially since the MLB teams in PA are brutal! :)

    Take care Mike!

    1. Of course I've seen it. Very inspiring. I can't wait for football season. New quarterback, but I feel good about this team. Thanks


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