I've had a few appointments since my last update so let's catch up. June 2015, I had an appointment to check the status of the healing of my arm. There was progress, but not enough to allow me to do whatever I want. I was given the green-light to do controlled weight bearing activities like push-ups, but an unexpected fall on my arm would more than likely break the work that's there so I had to be really careful. It bummed me out that I still had restrictions, but I did what I could. By the end of the summer I was able to do three push-ups, so I did make progress. It took me weeks before I could even do one. The combination of the pain, and the muscular atrophy is what made it so difficult. I waited until December of 2015 to get an update on my arm, and I finally received the news I had been waiting for. There was enough callous formation to lift all restrictions! I can do whatever I want now. It took two years from the original surgery, but late is better than never. B...