These past several months have been very stressful for me. It has been a roller coaster ride as far as stress goes. My peak stress would be when I was being diagnosed. Uncertainty is something I really don't like. None of us do. And back then there was so much of it. I was thrown into a world where I knew very little. I had never even heard of a sarcoma before, and in just a few weeks from my first appointment I would find out that my "arm strain" was really an aggressive bone cancer. Believe it or not, my stress dropped a lot when I found out the diagnosis. I finally knew what was wrong with me, and I was ready to do whatever possible to be cured. I was more stressed during the first three cycles, and surgery than these past three cycles. I would be constantly feeling my arm to verify that the tumor was shrinking. My fear of the treatment not working was obsessive. After surgery I hit a low in stress over the past year. The cancer was out, scans were clear, surgery went ...